University of Virginia Library

Simpson Selected
As New University
Placement Chief

Lawrence A. Simpson, a placement
specialist at Pennsylvania
State University, will become director
of placement at the University
on July 1.

In his new position, Mr. Simpson
will direct the University office
which offers career counseling
to students and alumni, and
specialized services, including
teacher placement programs, to
schools within the University.
He will also hold the rank of acting
assistant professor of education,
B. F. D. Runk, dean of the
University said.

"The University is indeed
fortunate to have Mr. Simpson
join our staff. His background,
training and experience equip
him exceedingly well for the position
of director of placement.
Under his direction the services
and functions of this office will
expand and become of great
benefit to all in the University."

Mr. Simpson, who received a
master's degree in counseling and
guidance from the University of
Alabama, has been responsible
for college teacher placement at
Penn State and development of a
doctoral student program for general
and college teacher placement.
He expects to receive his
doctorate this year from Penn

The 29-year-old native of Birmingham,
Ala. received his bachelor's
degree from Alabama College
before gaining his master's
degree in 1963 from the University
of Alabama. He has served
as a high school teacher and was
counselor-co-ordinator of a vocational
rehabilitation unit in the
department of psychiatry at
South Carolina Medical College
Hospital from 1963 to 1965. He
also served as instructor in vocational
rehabilitation counseling
with the department of psychiatry.