The Cavalier daily Tuesday, May 7, 1968 | ||
CD Wins Acclaim
By Journalists
The Cavalier Daily has won
a first class award in the 78th
All-American Newspaper Critical
Service for the past fall semester.
"First class honor rating
is comparable to 'excellent' and
first class publications may be
justly proud of their achievement,"
the Associated Collegiate
Press service said.
The newspaper received the
maximum number of points for
copy reading, sports coverage,
page two makeup, sports display,
headline display, typography, and
picture content.
The contest was judged by professional
journalists and includes
college newspapers from the entire
Charles C. Calhoun, former
editor-in-chief, and Daniel K.
Shipp, former managing editor,
have won national acclaim from
Pi Delta Epsilon, a national
journalism fraternity. Mr. Calhoun
received honorable mention
along with seven other editors in
the editorial contest. He was in
the top ten in the nation. Mr.
Shipp received an honorable mention
award for news writing. The
story about the Washington
Peace March won for Mr. Shipp.
The Cavalier Daily also has
received honorable mention for
best college daily newspaper in
the Southeastern College Newspaper
Competition. The Daily
Tar Heel, University of North
Carolina, won first place. Other
honorable mention winners were
Daily Beacon, University of Tennessee,
and Daily Athenaeum,
West Virginia University.
The Cavalier daily Tuesday, May 7, 1968 | ||