University of Virginia Library

Increased Check Cashing Approved

At the First-year Committee
meeting last Tuesday night, Jim
Gilmore, chairman of the Food
Services Committee disclosed that
the cashing of checks up to ten
dollars will now be permitted at
the Glass Hat and the Castle.

In conjunction with Vaden
Shields of the Student Council's
corresponding subcommittee, Mr.
Gilmore presented a plan to Mr.
Fontana, Director of Food Services.
The plan, scheduled to go
into effect May 10, calls for a
doubling of the current five dollar
limit on cashing checks. There
will be a ten cent service charge
for all checks written for more
than five dollars.

In other business, bus trips to
Monticello for next year's first-year
men during orientation were
also discussed. Dean B. F. D.
Runk said, when asked about the
subject, that the best time for
the prospective trip would be
the Saturday after the first day
of classes, which begin next year
on Friday, September 13.

The possibility of a First-year
Committee sponsored dance during
the weekend of Homecomings
was also considered but was
tabled until the rush schedule is