University of Virginia Library

Professors Join In
Open Raven Panel
On Student Action

Student action in community
life will be discussed this evening
in an open forum in Jefferson
Hall at 8 p.m. (See editorial,
page 2).

The panel discussion, sponsored
by The Raven Society, will
include Paul Saunier, head of
public relations at the University.
Other members include, Thomas
Bergin, Professor of Law, Stanley
Makielski, Professor in the
Institute of Government, Burkett
A. Rennolds, Mayor of
Charlottesville. Also present will
be David Gunter of the Community
Action Organization.

This discussion has been organized
to investigate the relevance
of student participation in
the activities and work necessary
to the community. The Raven
Society has expressed its acute
awareness of Virginia students'
lack of participation in community

Goals of the dialogue are aimed
primarily at causing the University
itself to offer motivation
for the students to take part in
civic projects. This can be
achieved by offering academic
credit to those students who take
it upon themselves to organize
and execute a project of civil

Basically the program would
operate outside of all existing
departments, and would be open
to students of all schools. In this
manner, students would come together
with an adviser, discuss
the possibilities of a semester
project, and then carry out the
project. These projects could
range from tutoring to the investigation
of Negro history, but
all would be aimed at involving
the student.