University of Virginia Library

Councilmen Defeat Motion
For Additional Ballot Boxes

By Tom Adams
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

A motion presented at Tuesday's
Student Council meeting
by Gordon Calvert asking that
more ballot boxes be placed
around the grounds during the
next college election and that the
polling places be kept open past
2 p.m., was defeated by an eight
to six vote.

Mr. Calvert asked for more
polling places and extended hours
because during the last two College
elections only 43 and 41 per
cent of those eligible to vote did
so. He pointed out that these
were the lowest percentages since

But Joe Fioravanti, chairman of
the Political Societies and Elections
Committee, was opposed to
Mr. Calvert's motion. He pointed
out that there are "redundant"
opportunities for voting in college
elections. "If a student is
not able to vote on two consecutive
days from 9 a.m. to 2
p.m. and if he does not pass by
at least one of the polling places
during his day then he is not here
at the University."

Mr. Fioravanti went on to say
that it would be an "inconvenience"
to his committee to have
to put out more boxes. He repeated
his belief that if a student
wanted to vote he would have
no difficulty in doing so. He said
that he did not believe the present
voting system in the college
was "contributing to

Mr. Calvert replied that it
should be the concern of the
Council to make it convenient
for students to vote and the "inconvenience"
to the elections
committee of the Council should
be of no concern in the matter.

Mr. Calvert pointed out that
before the last college elections
the Alderman Road Committee
had protested the lack of polling
boxes and had offered to supply
the poll-watchers necessary for
the increased number of voting

Poll-Watchers Unnecessary

Rick Evans said that he
thought poll-watchers should be
unnecessary and then asked Mr.
Calvert and Mr. Fioravanti to
work out a solution in committee
meetings and if any great differences
still existed, to bring it
up for a vote at next week's

But George McMillan said that
he thought the differences in
opinion were sufficient to warrant
a vote immediately. The
vote was taken and the motion
defeated 8-6.

After the Council meeting Mr.
Fioravanti said that he would
place some more boxes around
the Grounds, one in Alderman
Library, one in the Cave, and
two more on the second floor
of new Cabell Hall but that he
would not increase the hours for

New Constitution

Mr. Calvert reported that a
final draft of the proposed constitution
would be ready next
week and that additional Council
meetings would be necessary
if it were to be on the ballot in
the upcoming Council elections.

Frank Homer announced that
the curriculum evaluation booklet
would be available by the end
of the week. Copies of the evaluation
would be on sale at the
Main Desk in Newcomb Hall and
other places around the Grounds
for 25¢. An initial press run of
500 copies of the booklet was
ordered and the printer will save
the plates in case additional
copies are needed.