University of Virginia Library

Legal Forum Hears Stennis Tonight

Senator John C. Stennis, chairman
of the Senate Ethics Committee
will address the Student
Legal Forum tonight at 8:30 in
the new chemistry building auditorium.

The Mississippi Democrat will
speak on "Vietnam: Three Alternatives,"
and will also answer
questions of general interest following
his scheduled speech.

A veteran of 21 years in the
senate, Senator Stennis heads the
committee in charge of drafting
a new code of ethics for the
congressional body.

In addition, he is currently
serving as chairman of the Appropriations
Subcommittee on
Transportation. He has the duty of
reviewing and approving money
appropriated for the Federal
Aviation Agency, the Coast
Guard, the Bureau of Public
Roads, and portions of the Civil
Aeronautics Board and the Interstate
Commerce Commission.

During the last year, Senator
Stennis has headed a subcommittee
which conducted an extensive
investigation into the U.S. military
forces in Vietnam.

The numerous reports issued
by the committee took sharp issue
with Defense Department
policies in the conduct of the

Among the subjects investigated
were tactical air operations,
airlift and sealift, and the
status of ammunition in Vietnam.

More recently, the committee
has undertaken an investigation
of the U.S. worldwide commitments
and the military capability
to meet them.

During the past decade, Senator
Stennis has distinguished himself
as a leader against big government
and its growing regulations,
while also heading the anti-civil
rights block of Southern Senators.

A graduate of Mississippi State
University and the University's
Law School, Senator Stennis has
also served in the Mississippi
legislature and as a circuit judge.

Visa Denied

Senator Stennis' speech is one of
a series sponsored by the Student
Legal Forum. It was hoped that
Ian Smith, Prime Minister of
Rhodesia, could speak before the
Legal Forum but last week the
Department of State formally
denied Mr. Smith's entry into the
United States.


Photo by Bachrach

John C. Stennis

Senator From Mississippi