University of Virginia Library

Evaluation Group
Plans Spring Book

Commenting on the progress
of the College Curriculum Evaluation
Committee of Student Council,
councilman Gordon Calvert
said yesterday that he hoped "a
booklet will be ready for student
use before preregistration this

Mr. Calvert emphasized that
the committee wanted the "greatest
possible number of forms to
be turned in so that a fair sampling
can be obtained. Otherwise
we will have to cut those courses
for which there are no statistically
significant results."

The forms, which are to be
used for college courses only,
are still available at the Student
Council office in Newcomb Hall.

Each questionnaire contains 22
questions to be rated on a scale
from A to F and will pertain
only to those courses which were
taken last semester. Students are
requested to put further comments
on the course on the back
of the questionnaire.

Mr. Calvert said the forms will
be sorted according to classes,
and then keypunched and tabulated
during spring break. He
added that each of the 22 questions
will be broken down for
each class and that "hopefully
there will be a numerical average
for each of the questions."

The committee will also summarize
comments made for each
course and include them in the

The booklets will be printed
"in the least costly method" said
Mr. Calvert but he expected that
students will be charged from 25
to 50 cents per booklet.

Completed forms should be deposited
in ballot boxes marked
"College Curriculum Evaluation"
by Monday, March 18. These
boxes are located at both entrances
of Cabell Hall, the second
floor of Newcomb Hall, Emmet
House post office, and the
Tuttle House Post office.