University of Virginia Library

Backward News, Go-Go Girl Planned
In Pseudo-Psychedelic Extravaganza

A pseudo-psychedelic extravaganza is
planned for tomorrow night's PK-German
dance in Memorial Gym which features four
bands in continuous entertainment along
with psychedelic slides, backward running
newsreels and sports flicks and North Carolina's
top go-go girl.

Decorations include 2000 streamers to be
suspended from the indoor track, a fifteen
foot parachute ceiling, and a crystal ball
with red and blue spotlights mounted inside.

"For years people have complained about
the lack of originally concerning the dance
and the decorations," noted Stuart Stone,
secretary of the German Club and co-chairman
of the decorations committee, "so this
time we decided to alter this image."

In continuing, he noted that this year's
dance "will be a complete entertainment
show with both dancers and performers."

The parachutes have been attained

through the aid of the Quantico Marine
Base, specifically with the help of Major
Hensley Williams.

Supporting the parachutes from the ceiling
will be a wire grid support, for which
more than a half-mile of wire has been purchased.

In addition, 1,000 feet of both rope and
twine have been bought along with 1,700
feet of cord.

The streamers will be suspended around
the edge of the gym floor in alternating
colors of red and blue. Along one wall there
will be a movie screen set up with 16 mm
silent World War II flicks.

Also, old newsreels and movies of sports
events will be run backwards.

In a less conspicuous spot there will be
the featured non-musical entertainment of
the night in the person of a go-go girl from

the depths of Tarheelia.

Music for the dance, which lasts from 9
until I, will be provided by the Boxtops,
the Rhondells, the Esquires, and Ben E.
King. The Boxtops had the nation's number
one song last year according to the rating
services in the recording of "The Letter,"
and their latest release "Cry Like A Baby"
has already shown inclinations of reaching
the number one spot.

Operating out of Virginia Beach, the
Rhondells have made the hit scene through
their performances at the Top Hat club.
The Esquires, with their recent hit "Get On
Up," and Ben E. King with his infamous
"Stand By Me" are also on tap for the

Tickets for the dance are now on sale for
the price of $3 per couple at Mincers',
Newcomb Hall, or officers of the PK-German