University of Virginia Library

T.I.L.K.A., Eli Banana Select
New Members For Societies

Members of Eli Banana and
T.I.L.K.A. ribbon societies filled
Rugby Road and Mad Lane once
again Thursday night amid shouts
and laughter as they tapped new

Tomorrow in Mad Bowl they
will face each other in a football
game rivaled only by the conflict
on the Lawn between the nurses and
Lawn residents.

Those honored by Eli Banana
were: Jeff Anderson (Phi Gam); T.
M. Falcey (Zete); Bob Green
(Deke); Sam Harvey (SAE); Buzzy
Male (Zete); Tom Moore (Delta
Psi); and Bob Purcell (Phi Kap).

T.I.L.K.A. tapped Charlie Calhoun
(Kap Sig); Pete Caples
(Deke); Jeff Cohn (ZBT); Bev
Crump (Law School); Jeff Gates
(Delta Psi); Craig Hopson (KA);
and Barry Koval (PiKA).

Also Scott Lewis (KA); Frank
Louthan (Graduate Business
School); Cliff Miller (Graduate
Business School); John Naponick;
and Peter Pettit (SAE).