The Cavalier daily Wednesday, February 7, 1973 | ||
Main Boosts Minimum Grade
Average For Lawn Applicants
The minimum grade point
average for Lawn applicants
has been officially raised from
2.0 to 2.5 the Housing Office
said yesterday.
The decision was made Jan.
10 by Housing Director Ralph
E. Main, who had previously
met in December with student
leaders and administrators to
hear recommendations about
the change.
Mr. Main selected a
subcommittee after the
December meeting to meet
Jan. 10 to make a final
decision on the requirements.
Due to the advent of exams,
however, the Jan. 10 meeting
was attended only by Mr.
Main. The outcome was the
decision to implement the 2.5
requirement for Lawn
Mr. Main justified his
decision by saying "I was
forced to make a decision now
if the program was to be ready
to begin next semester."
Agreement With 2.5
H.Conrad Warlick, Asst. Dean
of Admissions, supported Mr.
Main's position. "I think where
it is set right now, is where it
should be."
According to both Mr. Main
and Mr. Warlick the 2.5 grade
average is lower than that of
the average University student.
Other sources show the grade
point average for the five
colleges at approximately 2.6.
Excellence And Leadership
"The requirement for Lawn
residence should be based on a
combination of academic
excellence and leadership, not
one, but both." Mr. Warlick
Dean of Students Robert T.
Canevari said he was opposed
to the 2.5 increase. "My
recollection of that meeting,"
he said, "was that we voted on
a 2.0 or a 2.5 and the good
The Cavalier daily Wednesday, February 7, 1973 | ||