University of Virginia Library



A memorial fund has been
established in memory of
fourth-year education student
Mary Francis Jordan, who died
last Wednesday morning in the
Rugby Road area.

Contributions to the fund
will be used to place a plaque
in Miss Jordan's memory in the
new Education building's
faculty-student lounge,
according to Dean of Students
Robert T. Canevari.

Additional funds may be
used to help to furnish the
lounge, Mr. Canevari said.

"The fund will be a more
lasting tribute to Miss Jordan
than flowers would have
been," Asst. Education Dean
John A. Sanderson said.

University officials and Miss
Jordan's family's cooperated in
instituting the memorial fund.

Persons wishing to
contribute to the fund may
mail checks to Director of
Development A. Ward Sims.

Checks should be made
payable to: The Rector and
Visitors, University of Virginia,
In Memory of Mary Francis
Jordan, for the President's
Sundries and Gift Account.