University of Virginia Library

Placement Office Plans
Career Week Activities


Several educational planning
activities sponsored by the
Counseling Center and the
Career Planning and Placement
Office will be held in the
dorms this week prior to next
week's Career Week.

These activities will help
students prepare for Career
Week and will assist them in
planning academic programs at
the University, a spokesman

Career Week will
bring approximately 50
professionals from a wide
variety of occupational fields
to Newcomb Hall on Thursday,
Oct. 26 to talk informally
about their fields and
employment opportunities for
the next two or three years.

On Tuesday, Oct. 24,
graduate and professional
school representatives will be
in Newcomb Hall Ballroom to
discuss admission, programs of
study and employment
outlooks for their respective

At a general orientation
session tonight at 7 in Webb
Lounge, counselors from the
Counseling Center and Career
Planning and Placement Office
will outline the week's
activities as well as describe
Career Week activities.

Tomorrow night at 7 in
Webb, Hancock, Bonnycastle
and Kent lounges and in Mary
Munford, self-assessment
groups will be conducted.
Trained counselors from the
Counseling Center will
administer educational interest
inventories that can be
self-scored and the results
analyzed and interpreted at the

Wednesday night at 7:30 in
the New Chemistry building
auditorium, a Women's Career
Symposium will incorporate
women from law, medicine,
business and the federal
government to speak in a
general session on
opportunities and role- conflict
for women in their fields.

At departmental discussion
groups at 7, Thursday night, an
undergraduate faculty advisor
and student major in the
department will serve on a
panel with faculty and students
from related departments.

At present, this program is
the only opportunity of its
kind to allow students to
acquire knowledge that can be
concretely helpful in planning
an academic program or
interpreting that program into
viable job opportunities.