University of Virginia Library

Mannix Charges Nixon
With FICA Hypocrisy


Speaking on behalf of
three senior citizens, Kevin
Mannix, seventh district
Coordinator of the
McGovern-Shriver campaign,
attacked the Nixon
administration for hypocrisy in
an alleged attempt to claim
credit for the recent 20 per
cent increase in Social Security
benefits at a press conference
here yesterday.

Mr. Mannix pointed out in a
prepared statement that Mr.
Nixon had actually "vigorously
and persistently opposed the
20 per cent increase in
benefits" only because the bill
was attached to the $250
billion dept ceiling which Mr.
Nixon urgently desired, the
increases were approved, he

Mr. Mannix and the three
senior citizens expressed
concern that the
Administration had
misrepresented its actual
position. Envelopes sent to the
28 million Social Security
recipients this month include
the increases, and the four
McGovern supporters argue
that Mr. Nixon is taking credit
for the increases in notices
accompanying the checks.

In contrast to this alleged
Administration hypocrisy, Mr.
Mannix elaborated on the
position of Sen. George S.
McGovern, citing a speech he
delivered on September 20. In
that speech Mr. McGovern said
"We have strayed dangerously
far from the values that
founded America when six
million senior citizens are living
in poverty–in hovels instead of

In addition to Mr. Mannix, a
retired nurse Mrs. Boyd C.
Sutherland, a retired teacher
Anne Y. Echols and a retired
Naval commander A. Douglas
Cook, commented on the
controversy surrounding the
new law.

The purpose for the press
conference according to Mr.
Mannix, was to show that
"Richard Nixon can't have it
both ways, and this time we're
going to point out the