University of Virginia Library

Committee Selects Lawn Residents,
Increases Number Of Women To 14


Women will occupy almost
a third of the Lawn rooms next
year, the University Housing
Office announced yesterday.

Of the 47 rooms on the
Lawn, 14 on the East Lawn
have been designated for
women. Only two women
received Lawn rooms last year.

The rising fourth-year class
is the first to have experienced
full co-education, resulting in
the large number of women
winning positions.

Named to the Lawn were
Roy Alson, Wyatt Andrews,
Michael Austin, Patricia Banks,
William Bardenwerper,
Courtenay Beebe and Richard

Also named were James
Blakeley, Neisa Brateman,
Parkes Brittain, Ann Brown,
Clarence Cain, James Carmack,
Hugh Carter, Constance Clark,
James Curry, Deborah Denno,
Douglas Doughty, Croxton
Gordon, Mason Granger and
Susan Gregory.

Roberta Hitt, David
Howerton, Charles Janoff, Terry
Jasperson, Gloria Kasey, Philip
Kimball, Patricia Kyle, Leslie
Leighton, Mary Bland Love,
Gregory Luce, Dickie
McMullan, Fenwick Montaigne
and Gordon Morris were also

Others Named

Others named were Mary
Moyer, Elliot Nalley, Richard
Oliver, Fenton Priest, Joseph
Robbins, Larry Sabato, Barbara
Savage, John Sedor, Stephen
Sroba, William Stobbart,
Christopher Thompson,
Timothy Wheeler and Milton

John Guyer, John Markon,
William McKay and John
Palmer were named to the

"At the present the women
have been designated a special
group of rooms on the East
Lawn convenient to toilet
facilities," Housing Director
Ralph Main said. "This is also
for security purposes, so the
University will know where the
women are."

In addition to the assigned
rooms, eight are still
unassigned. A special
committee will select students
for endowed rooms.

Should one selected for the
endowed rooms have already
been selected for the Lawn, he
will be placed in the endowed
room and someone from the
waiting list will take his place.

300 Applications

In addition to the 51
students selected, 44 have
been placed on the waiting list. The
Housing Office received a
total of over 300 applications.

Mr. Main said specific room
assignments will be announced
"as soon as we get some
paperwork out of the way."

Those applying for rooms
on the Lawn must display
outstanding service and
evidence of devotion to the
University in activities outside
the classroom. A student must
also have a cumulative grade
point average of above 2.0.