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Service Groups To Provide Escorts
For On- And Off-Grounds Co-Eds



CD/Lee Roane

APO And FYC On. And Off-Grounds Escort Service To Co-Eds

Alpha Phi Omega (APO)
service fraternity and the
First-Year Council (FYC) have
announced that an escort
system will begin operating
Sunday for women living
on-Grounds and off-Grounds.

The system was organized
through the Office of Student
Affairs as an auxiliary service
First-Year Council President
John Atana said "If you
can't find someone to walk
with al us."

Women who live
off-Grounds that need to go
somewhere on-Grounds will be
provided assistance by APO.
The FYC Escort Service
Committee will assist women
who live in the dormitories.

Chairman of the Committee
George Howard said, "We hope
to convince girls that it's a
worthwhile service, we didn't
have a very good response last

APO will have six escorts
available each night and the
FYC will have up to 40.

The FYC system involves
26 out of 32 floors of men
living in the first-year
dormitories. Each floor has an
escort coordinator. Two floors
will be on duty each evening.
FYC Escort Committee
Chairman Bill Brown will
schedule the floors on duty.

A woman needing an
escort to go anywhere on the
Grounds should call W at
924-3481: they will call either
APO or FYC coordinators.

The call should be made
about 20 minutes before she
expects to leave.

Student Council is running
a check on all escorts, who will
use as their identifications their
student I.D. cards.

The system is operative
Sunday through Thursday.
APO will escort from 7 p.m. to
1 a.m. FYC will provide escorts
from 7 p.m. to midnight. FYC
escorts will be available until 1
a.m. if arrangements are made
before midnight.

"The only thing that might
make the system flop is a lack
of demand." said Mr. Brown.