University of Virginia Library

MWC Student Loses Honor Suit
But May Return To Classes


Brenda Page Bright of King
William County lost her
student reinstatement suit
against Mary Washington
College's board of visitors last
Monday, but she may return to
classes if she agrees to abide by
the school's honor code,
according to the Richmond

U.S. Court Decision

This decision was the result
of a U.S. District Court hearing
last Monday during which Mrs.
Bright, a former second-year
student, challenged the
authority of the school's
student honor council to
dismiss her permanently
because of an alleged rules

Judge Albert V. Bryan Jr.
dismissed Mrs. Bright's suit
with a comment that she was
familiar with the rules when
she enrolled at Mary
Washington. Once in, Mr.
Bryan said, she cannot say she
does not want to abide by the

Lacks Jurisdiction

Mr. Bryan's dismissal of the
suit was grounded on the legal
premise, that he lacked
jurisdiction over the dispute
which entered on the question
of whether student honor
councils at state-supported
colleges, such as Mary
Washington, have the power to
expel students who violate

Mr. Bryan said this issue
should be decided by a Virginia
state court rather than a
federal court. He expressed
some reservations as to
whether student honor
councils in state-supported
schools should have the right
to dismiss students without
reviews by college officials.

According to the suit, Mary
Washington honor council
decisions to dismiss students
are not subject to review by
college officials though the
dismissals are permanent.

Mrs. Bright was
permanently dismissed in
December 1971, after the
student honor council found
her guilty of stealing money
from a fellow student.

In a suit filed last August,
Mrs. Bright asked that she be
readmitted. Her lawyer, Ralph
W. Buxton of Richmond,
contended that the college
board of visitors had no
authority to delegate
disciplinary procedures to a
student honor council.

Mr. Buxton contended that
the student honor council is a