University of Virginia Library

Pre-registration Mistakes End
In Student Non-enrollment


Several students guaranteed
courses in pre-registration have
discovered that they are no
longer enrolled in their classes.

These students, who
received courses on their white
pre-registration card, found
that their names were not on
the list when the role was
called in class.

Asst. Registrar William B.
Guilford, said that students in
this predicament either failed
to pick up and turn in the
orange master card at final
registration at Memorial Gym
on Sept. 13 and 14 or failed to
go to the gym to register at all.

"Every year about 12
students start through the
registration procedure around
the gym, but leave before they
have finished," Mr. Guilford
said. "Also about 200 students
fail to show up for registration
at all. Those students must late
register," he continued.

Students Check Registrar

Students who think that
they have registered but find
that their names appear on no
roles should check with the
Registrar in Garret Hall.

Unless he turned in an
orange master card at final
registration, the student is not
officially enrolled in his curses.
Each student received an
orange master card on the main
floor of the gym at the end of
registration which he
immediately turned in at
another station.

Add-Drop Procedure

If a student began
registration but failed to
complete it, he must add all of
his classes through the
add-drop procedure.

Mr. Guilford said that if the
class was already full, the
thought that the instructor was
under no obligation to sign the
add card.