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Rinaca Works For Diversity In Student Council Projects
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Rinaca Works For Diversity
In Student Council Projects


Student Council will act as a
"more fluid" overseer of
University student questions
and problems this year
according to Council President
Jim Rinaca and Vice President
Larry Sabato.

"We'll have some
committees, but action on
problems will not be confined
or restricted to these. plan for
a less rigid structure so that if a
student has a question or
problem, we can get to the
topic and find a solution
efficiently," said Mr. Rinaca.

"Various committees may
not remain germane to current
problems. I'm hoping for a 'do
your own thing' Council.

"Council members will
work even more closely with
the Traffic and Parking
Committee. Efforts will center
on improvements in the busing
system and ensuring that
students are given equal rights
in the overall plan."

He added, "As of now,
"students, staff and faculty
really aren't treated on an
equal basis. However, I am
optimistic about 'he system's
effects. I think people will like
the bus once they have tried it.
It will alleviate traffic
congestion on the Grounds."

Council will examine
unresolved problems of
motorcycle and bicycle traffic
and parking. Mr. Rinaca stated
that he is pleased that bicycle
paths have been provided on
McCormick Road, but foresees
need for additional paths

"With the enrollment of
more girls, the security and
general safety at the University
will become even more vital,"
Mr. Rinaca stated. "Students

may be hired by the
Department of Security for the
first time this year."

"I plan for Council
members to examine use of the
athletic fee which every
student pays." Mr. Rinaca said.
Policy changes and
redistribution of money for
club sports are expected.

He has also proposed a
revision of the basketball ticket
distribution system. His
proposal would end the "all
night stands" now necessary to
obtain tickets. Athletic
department officials are
receptive to the idea, though it
has not been approved.

Effects of last years Future
of the University Committee
report will be examined, and
Council will discuss follow-ups.
