University of Virginia Library

Madison Hall Selects Noble, Benner
To Head Community Service Center



Photo by Lovelace Cook

Frederick Noble

New President Is Former Big Brother


Photo by Lovelace Cook

Richard Benner

Vice-President Is Princeton Graduate

The Master and Fellows of Madison
Hall have elected Frederick Alan Noble
and Richard Peter Benner as new
President and Vice-President of the Office
of Volunteer Community Service.

Mr. Noble, the new President,
originally from Detroit, graduated from
the University of Michigan in 1970 with a
B.A. in economics. While there he
belonged to Sigma Phi Epsilon and
participated in intramural sports.

He came to the University in the fall
of 1970 on a McIntire Fellowship to
continue his studies in the field of

Since moving to Ivy, where he now
resides, Mr. Noble has been working with
the Big Brother Probation Program and
with Recording for the Blind. He is also
involved in working with the Junior High
School Program and teaching a Sunday
School class, both at West minster
Presbyterian Church.

In addition to acting as President of
Madison Hall, Mr. Noble, who is 23, will
be directing its Development and Fund
Raising Program.

Mr. Benner, the newly-elected
Vice-President and Program Coordinator,
was approved along with Mr. Noble by
the Board of Directors to take office
February 15th.

A 1968 graduate of Princeton
University where he graduated magna
cum laude with a major in history, Mr.
Benner was President of Circle K.

His other activities included serving as
a Saturday morning volunteer for the
Y.M.C.A., and Chairman for the Campus
Fund Drive to raise money for the
Princeton Summer Camp for
underprivileged children where he worked
one summer.

Mr. Benner, of Charlottesville, began
working as a volunteer Assistant
Probation Officer while in the Navy and
stationed in Norfolk. Mr. Benner is also
applying for admission to the University's
Law School.