University of Virginia Library

Randolph Macon Suspends Coed
For Violating Curfew Regulations


Randolph-Macon College President
Luther H. White III denounced a protest
by 350 students marching on his home
last Saturday following the suspension of
a coed.

He told the students that "I wouldn't
be much of a person if I knuckled

The demonstration came after Mr.
White suspended a coed Friday for
entertaining a male in her room after the
2 a.m. curfew.

Mr. White angered the students by
overruling the decision of the dean of
students and the student council. Dennis
Howard, president of the student council,
said that "it wasn't Mr. White's place to
intervene" although there is a stipulation
allowing the President to intervene in
such matters.

Mr. White, responding to students
chanting "We want Luther," met the
demonstrators at a fountain near the
dorms just after midnight.

"I don't want you to feel the campus is
repressive", Mr. White said, "but I don't
know anything else I can say. I have no
idea of answering any demands at 12:30
a.m." He added that if the students
wanted to communicate with him, they
could come to his office any time.

Later, in deliberate violation of the
curfew, several male students stayed in
the girls' rooms-sitting in windows,
playing cards, reading and listening to
records until past 3 a.m.

The student council has set up a
steering committee to plan further action
with regard to this problem.