University of Virginia Library

Mary Washington
Seeks Separation


The Board of Visitors requested
Saturday that a proposal to separate Mary
Washington College from the University
be studied by the State Council of Higher

The Board asked that the State Council
Of Higher Education "study and advise
the Board of Visitors concerning the
future relationship of Mary Washington
College to the University of Virginia, so
as to fulfill to the greatest extent possible
the educational needs of the people of
the Commonwealth and the further
development of the educational quality
and stature of Mary Washington College.

Mary Washington Chancellor Grellet C.
Simpson noted that the issue of
separation would finally depend on
action by the General Assembly.

Separation of Mary Washington would
probably not affect state funding of the
University since the University and Mary
Washington present separate budgets.

The request was the result of several
recent studies including a Mary
Washington self-study which
recommended "new dimensions of
development for the College, including
separation from the University of

In the resolution the Board said that
the University "had long been concerned
with providing high quality educational
opportunities to develop the abilities and
fulfill the needs of the young people
of the Commonwealth through the
University and four-year institutions of
the University in other geographical
locations in the State."

The Board resolution also noted that
"the growing cost of higher education
and the increased needs and expectancy
of the people of Virginia for higher
education can be met only if Virginia's
higher educational institutions are
soundly planned and efficiently

"Virginia's colleges and universities
have undertaken to avoid duplication,
make efficient use of facilities, and
continue to seek ways of strengthening
the state's diversified system of higher
education" the resolution said.

Study Request

Among the reasons given in the
resolution for requesting study of the
proposal to separate Mary Washington
from the University were that Mary
Washington "draws its students from
throughout the State and nation and, by
action of the Board of Visitors and the
General Assembly, no longer limits its
enrollment to the admission of women."

The Board cited Article 23-9.6 of the
Code of Virginia in requesting the State
Council to study the proposal. The
Article states that the State Council is
"charged with the duty of assembling
data and, with the aid of the boards and
officers of the several institutions,
preparing plans under which the several
state-supported institutions of higher
education in Virginia shall constitute a
coordinated system.

In a statement last month, Mr.
Simpson advised that separation was part
of the issue of Mary Washington's future
which also involved factors such as the
expanding urban corridor and the
enrollment of men.


Winter Water

Photo by Andy Stickney