University of Virginia Library

Candidates Clarify Platforms
As Deadline Election Approaches


Eight regular-term seats on Student
Council will be up for election tomorrow
and Thursday. Prospective candidates
may file petitions to run until 5 p.m.

Those students elected will occupy
these seats from next February until
February, 1973. The resignation of Greg
Compton last May has forced a special
vote to fill his Engineering School seat for
one-half term.

Running for the 5 college seats on the
December Coalition ticket are Chris
Brown, Barb Savage, Rod Singleton, Ed
Wilson, and Andy Potler who is currently
a member of Student Council.

The December Coalition stresses a
personal approach to Council
representation. They state that "we want
to work with people in decision-making
positions, not with just direct letters and
reports to them. Facts are necessary but
we want an activist, personal approach to
the University and its problems."

"We do feel that the B'ball ticket
situation needs to be changed, we do feel

that dormitory living needs our attention,
and we feel that mindless expansion
leading to cafeteria-style education is
ruinous to the University."

Phil Chabot and Dave Horan are
running separately for re-election from
the College. Mr. Horan believes that a
Student Council member should work for
the issues not only on Tuesday but for
the entire week.

Levels Of Housing

He indicates that Student Council
should deal with off-grounds housing
specifically by urging the University to
approve different levels of housing for
student occupation.

Mr. Chabot states that, "Certain
segments of the Council, while pretending
to 'lead,' often make decisions without
attempting to gain a factual and
comprehensive knowledge of the issues.
When Council acts without such
knowledge it cannot be effective in its

"The central issue in this election is,
then, whether or not individuals will be
elected who possess the capacity and
willingness to take such a view of
Council's responsibilities and potential."

An independent candidate from the
College, Greg Luce believes the total halt
of expansion to be unrealistic, and
proposes a limited program. He also
places priority on coeducating all dorms
and preventing the rise of "big-time"
athletics at the University.

The "deadly serious" Neanderthal Party
platform is propounded by candidates
Eric Royce, Anne Nutter, and Bill Hurd.
They demand that the "current
administration stop 'sardine-canning'
people into the University by halting
expansion now and forever."

To accomplish this demand, the
Neanderthals call for a mass petition drive
and the organization of a lobbying effort
to persuade the state legislature of the
seriousness of the expansion issue.

In relation to the basketball situation
Mr. Hurd asserts, "Students have paid to
go to the basketball games. Those denied
tickets have been gypped. I will fight to
abolish student seating quotas. I will
demand honesty from the

'Political Subsidies'

The Neanderthals wish to end all
"political subsidies" by Student Council
such as those to The Virginia Weekly and
The Record. They propose that every
semester students receive the option of
choosing which groups they desire their
student fees to go to.

Also campaigning for the College seats
are Tom Rickards and Dave Barnes. The
main thrust of their platform deals with
housing. They call for an end to the
"repressive policies which characterize
the Housing Office."

Mr. Rickards and Mr. Barnes believe
the Student Council should "encourage
the development of more housing in the
community." According to their
platform, Student Council "should also
provide students with information and
legal aid in cooperation with the Tenant's
Association" of which Mr. Barnes is a

Other problems with which Mr.
Rickards and Mr. Barnes are concerned lie
in the area of security and lighting around
the grounds. They demand that the
Business Office reshape the
appropriations of existing funds to
correct the situation.