University of Virginia Library

Students Visit
Ecology Plot


Student teachers from the School of
education took a class of sixth graders
from Jefferson Elementary School to the
University's ecology plot located on
Observatory Mountain this week to take
advantage of the learning opportunities
offered there since the opening of the ten
acre plot in 1968.

While providing valuable learning
experience to the students from the
Charlottesville area, the education students
themselves gained necessary experience in the
practical aspects of student teaching.

University officials explain that the plot's
potential will be largely expanded this winter,
with the addition of a guide book and tour
markers that will explain the phenomena and
taxonomy of various plants. These services will
enable people to enjoy the plot at their own

According to Alfred A. Arth, assistant
professor in the School of Education, about
four thousand public school students visit the
plot each year. Other citizens, however, have
not visited it, although the plot is open to