University of Virginia Library


Ochs Named Editor

Edwin M. Crawford, Vice-President for
Public Affairs at the University announced
Saturday the appointment of Martin S. Ochs to
the position of University Editor. Mr. Ochs is
the editor of The Chattanooga (Tenn.) Times
and former correspondent for the New York

"At the University, Mr. Ochs will handle
special projects assigned to the Office of Public
Affairs by Edgar F. Shannon Jr. President of
the University and will provide editorial
direction for a number of publications
produced by and on behalf of the University,"
Mr. Crawford stated.

Mr. Ochs, 48, has been editor of The
Chattanooga Times since 1958 and has also
served on the board of directors for the
newspaper. He has worked in the London and
Paris news bureaus, and in Berlin as a
correspondent for the Times. This year he
traveled in Southeast Asia, the Middle
East, Russia and France.

Mr. Ochs said in Chattanooga Saturday that
"For some time I have contemplated the kind
of change that is offered in the post of
University Editor at the University of Virginia.
The reputation of the University and its
president, Mr. Shannon, is one of
accomplishment and distinction."

Mr. Ochs will replace Miss Katherine
Skogstad who resigned as University Editor last
month. His appointment is effective in

Bigelow Arrested

Two additional warrants were sworn
out last week against Jeff Bigelow, co-editor of
the Virginia Weekly for the continued
publication of an ad for an abortion referral
service located in New York.

The third and fourth in a series of actions
that began last spring, these recent warrants
deal specifically with the September and
October issues of the Virginia Weekly.

Christian White, legal advisor to the Right to
Life Committee, initiated the latest charges. He
and other members of the committee have been
responsible for past and present actions brought
against the Weekly in regard to the

When contacted, Mr. Bigelow stated that
Mr. White's purpose in issuing the warrants was
"to bleed the Weekly to death." He added that
several national publications distributed in the
state of Virginia have also printed articles for
abortion referral but have not been condemned
for this.

The Weekly "will continue with
determination to give women the right to
control their bodies and their lives.
Consequently, we will continue to print
advertisements in future issues," stated Mr.
Bigelow. Abortions under certain conditions is
now legal in the state of Virginia, although its
solicitation is not.

Trial date is set for November 11 at 9 a.m.

Lecture On Black Americans

James L. Golden of Ohio State University
will speak on "The Rhetoric of Black
Americans" next Monday at 1:00 p.m. in
Wilson Hall Auditorium, not 8 p.m. as reported
in yesterday's Cavalier Daily.