University of Virginia Library

Shannon Calls For Closer
Student—Faculty Relations


President Shannon yesterday called
upon the faculty of the College to
improve faculty-student relationships
especially with regards to minority

"There is an opportunity and a special
need for increased relationships between
faculty and students it we are to preserve
a sense of community at this University,
he stated before the faculty in their first
meeting of the academic session.

He continued to say that "with a second
substantial group of women and blacks
becoming involved in the mainstream of
University activity there is a great need for
special concern in choosing black and women
faculty in the future."

He also commented that the attitudes of the
entering class had been good and that at the
Mountain Lake meeting of administrators and
student leaders there was "a real feeling of
enthusiasm and excitement about the quality of
academic programs and in the faculty."

Classroom Overcrowding

In reference to the overcrowding of many
classrooms, Mr. Shannon stated that he had
asked Vice-President Vincent Shea and Provost
David Shannon to examine classroom
overcrowding in order to determine if a better
utilization of classroom space could be made.

"The University is well below national Standards
in space utilization" he stated and that
such action on the part of Messrs. Shea and
Shannon was necessary "to ward off criticism
directed toward this before we ask the state for
more money."

Biennium Budget

Discussing further the biennium budget requests,
Mr. Shannon stressed the need for continued
research and from the State by creating
additional positions for research projects. He
also stated that there was an increased teaching
load on graduate teachers with 44 per cent of
the graduate teachers in the state teaching at
the University.

In making his remarks to the faculty Irby
Cauthen, Dean of the College stated that the
Future of the University Committee, an
administrative committee headed by Mr. David
Shannon, would provide "ample opportunity
for faculty members to express their views."

Master Site Plan

Also in relation to the growth issue, Mr.
Cauthen announced that Paul Saunier, Director
of University Relations, will present an
exposition on the University's Master Site Plan
on Wednesday, October 6 at 4 p.m. in
Newcomb Hall.

Laurence Fredrick, chairman of the
Astronomy Department and chairman of the
faculty ad hoc Committee to search for a new
Dean of the Faculty called upon the faculty for
additional nominations for the position. Dexter
Whitehead, dean of the Graduate School of
Arts and Sciences holds the position of Dean
for this year only.