University of Virginia Library

Council Seeks
Airing Of
'Dirty Linen'

By Terry Jasperson
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

The Housing Office and University
Linen Service will not air their "dirty
laundry" and Student Council is asking
such questions as "why?"

In a letter sent to Ralph E. Main,
Director of Housing on April 29. Student
Council asked for a review of the current
contract with the University Linen

The letter stated, "The linen service
currently enfranchised to operate on the
Grounds is not the least expensive service
available to students: the linen service is known
to give a 'donation' to the counseling program
in lieu of rent; students involved in their
services have not been aware that they are
paying more than necessary while subsidizing
their own services."

Phil Chabot, chairman of the committee
which is investigating the procedures of the
linen service, stated that he felt that many more
questions should be asked. Questions arise such
as why students are not allowed to participate
in the selection of the service and why housing
has not replied to the request to see the current

According to Richard F. Shutts, Business
Manager, the selection process takes place
through the auspices of the Purchasing
Department. Mr. Shutts said that Mr. Main
specifies exactly what he wants from the linen
service and the Purchasing Department hears
bids and makes the final decision.

Mr. Shutts also said that the University is
required by the state to take the lowest bid and
to his knowledge this policy has always been

As a protective device the linen service is
required to implement an Escrow Account.
This is a bank account from which the linen
service draws their monthly operating charges.
In case of bankruptcy, the University is able to
take over the remaining money and provide
continued linen service for students.

In response to the question of the
"donation," Mr. Shutts stated that the money
paid to the Housing Department by the
University was in fact a rent, but was "termed a
donation" for practical reasons.