University of Virginia Library

Faculty Pay
46th In U.S.

Faculty salaries at the University rank
forty-sixth in the country, according to a recent
survey by the American Association of
University Professors.

The average salary for University teachers is
$17,935. The AAUP states that the University
is the only institution of higher learning in
Virginia which ranks among the top 75 schools
in the country.

The two institutions which grant the highest
average faculty salary are the graduate division
of the College of the University of New York
and Harvard University. The University of New
York's graduate division averages a faculty
salary of $27,594, while Harvard pays its
professors an average of $22,300.

A full professor at the University earns
approximately $25,000 a year while at
Washington and Lee University a professor is
paid an average of $21,000. Virginia Military
Institute pays a full professor about $19,000,
were as William and Mary pays him about
$17,000 a year.

The AAUP says that a full professor at the
University of Richmond receives around
$17,700; Virginia Commonwealth University,
$19,700; Randolph-Macon College, $13,900;
Hampden-Sydney College, $15,400; Madison
College, $15,000; Hollins College, $18,800;
Sweet Briar College, $16,000; and Virginia
State College, $15,700.

A full professor at the University of
Maryland earns $21,000; University of North
Carolina, $22,400; and the University of Texas,
the same.