University of Virginia Library

'Festival Of Life'

Happiness Is Happy Day Celebrations

By Mark Schapiro
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

May first. . .May Day. . .a festival of
life. . .a happening. . . whatever you
wanted from it and more. A motley
group of people channeled their energies
to organize a day of celebration on the
grounds. Everyone was invited, not
merely to attend, but to become a part of
the experience.

It was a cultural, educational, and
recreational experience. This Spring
Bacchanalia commenced early in the
afternoon with such a multitude of
activities that one often found himself at
a loss of what to do next. If only we
could find ourselves in such positions
every day.


Photo By Saxon Holt

Student Douses D. Alan Williams

Spring Celebration Ushers In New Month

In addition to every event, game, and
imaginative idea that one could possibly
conceive of, there were still remaining
numerous creative thoughts put into actions to
further spread the feeling of joy throughout the

Thank heavens they did not forget the kids,
for it was these young folks who refreshed our
memories about how to have fun on the
playground. How long had it been since you
last played "duck, duck, goose," finger painted,
raced a tricycle, jumped rope or ran around a

One of the most unusual creations on the
grounds during the afternoon was the inflatable
environment fantastic bubble structures that
"embodied Mad Tom's concepts of a closely
knit educational community," as someone said.

And what to climax such a spectacle? What
else but an evening to spread more happiness. It
was Saturday Night at the Movies, featuring the
Wizard of Oz, except this time it was not in the
the theatre starring Judy Garland. No, it was
held in a giant bubble and it starred Oliver
Hardy among others in a 1925 silent film
version. Projecting the images form the outside,
the viewers on the inside were treated to a most
unusual visual experience that was only eclipsed
by the greatest firework display at this

What better way to usher in the month of
May than with an afternoon and evening filled
with Happiness. Everyone was there. No one
was discriminated against, except maybe a sour
face. But he soon was swallowed in a throng of
happy folks. Happiness is.