University of Virginia Library

Bubbles, Fireworks Highlight
Lawn Events Of 'Happy Day'

By Holly Smith
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

On May 1 alumni returning for Law
Day and the visitors participating in
Virginia's Garden Week will find the
Lawn looking quite different from its
normal picture-postcard serenity. As part
of what is being called "Happy Day." the
Lawn will be the scene of gigantic plastic
bubbles, art shows, people playing games,
and wandering minstrels.

The idea for the Lawn "happening"
was first conceived by Father William
Stickle, rector of St. Thomas Church,
who enlisted the help of Student Council
and the University Union in bringing his idea to
fruition. University students and employees and
members of the Charlottesville Community
alike are being encouraged to join in the

The day will begin at 2 p.m. with such
events as three-legged races, a unicycle
endurance contest, tricycle races, yo-yo
contests, and body-painting sessions.

At 4 p.m. the bubbles will be inflated,
including a 50-foot bubble encasing the statue
of Homer at the South end of the Lawn, a
"President Shannon Bubble" where the
president will be from 4:30 to 5 p.m., and a
small black bubble "where people can get away
from it all." The bubbles can be spray painted
or finger painted; one will have music pumped
from the synthesizer playing in it, another may
contain a wading pool. Movies and light shows
will be projected on the bubbles that night.

The art show will be held on the Portico of
the Rotunda and will feature the entries in the
University Union Fine Arts Festival and the
work of local artists.

Ice cream, hot dogs, and Pepsi will be on
sale for 10 cents; candy will be free.

The climax of the festivities will come at
10:15 p.m. when the fireworks display over
Lambeth Field begins.