University of Virginia Library

Moratorium Considered

Council Proposes Referendum

By Ann Brown
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Students will be asked whether a
strike shall be held this spring in a
referendum to be attacked to the April
28-29 Student Council election ballot.

The referendum question which was
passed at Tuesday night's Council
meeting reads, "Shall a non-violent,
non-coercive strike be held on May 3,4,
and 5 in protest against the Indochina
War and in memory of Kent State and
Jackson State, with constructive activities
scheduled for those days?" According to
Kevin Mannix, Council President, the
dates were chosen to coincide with
Anti-war Days in Washington, D.C.

Tom Collier, Council Secretary, stated that
if this item were approved Council would be
bound to organize such a strike. College
representative Phil Chabot in opposing the
referendum question remarked, "I don't think a
strike would be accepted by the administration
and the General Assembly in the same way it
was last year." He warned that another strike
might tend to set a precedent for an annual
May strike and create a dangerous situation
concerning the attitudes of assemblymen and
administrators toward students and the

Mr. Mannix called for more participation by
Council members in the group's activities. He
stated that Council should take a position of
leadership at the University if a strike were
going to be held rather than waiting for some
other group to organize it.

A proposed referendum item which read,
"Do you favor immediate withdrawal of all
U.S. forces from Viet Nam, Laos, and
Cambodia?" was defeated while another
question: "Do you favor withdrawal of all U.S.
forces from Viet Nam, Laos and Cambodia by
December 31, 1971?" was approved for
inclusion on the ballot.

Another proposed referendum question
concerning the recently approved salary for the
president of Student Council was also passed.
The item, proposed by Graduate Arts and
Sciences representative Monty Harris, states,
"The Student Council has appropriated a $750
annual salary for the president of Student
Council effective with the next president. This
salary shall come out of student fees. Shall this
program be implemented?"

The issue of a presidential salary has been
discussed and voted on several times in Council
meetings. At a recent meeting a similar proposal
for holding a referendum on the salary question
was defeated.

A fourth issue for referendum is proposed
by the Judiciary Committee to amend the
Judiciary Committee Constitution. It reads,
"To be eligible to be a candidate for election to
the Judiciary Committee and undergraduate
student must have completed two semesters of
work toward a degree."

A representative of the Virginia Weekly
asked Council to support him in protest to a
recent action by a judge in the Regional
Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court.
According to the Virginia Weekly reporter, the
judge removed him from the courtroom and
refused to allow him to cover a trial on the
grounds that he considered that paper

Mr. Mannix recommended that Council
speak out in support of the Virginia Weekly.
After little debate, the Council voted to file "an
Amicus cural brief regarding denial of first
amendment rights in the Charlottesville

In other business, Jim Rinaca, Chairman of
the Council's Committee on Traffic and
Parking, presented a report on the trial busing

Mr. Rinaca stated, "I feel that practicality
dictates that Council should not extend the
Busing Service past next Tuesday without
University support.

Mr. Rinaca recommended the busing system
as an alternative to high rise parking facilities.
He continued, "we have...laid the groundwork
for a more extensive program and it is to be
hoped that the University will realize its
obligations to the community and take
appropriate steps for providing a truly effective
transit system in the future."