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VPP And JP Nominate Candidates Tomorrow
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VPP And JP Nominate
Candidates Tomorrow

By Linda Eichelbaum
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

The Virginia Progressive Party and the
Jefferson Party will hold their nominating
conventions tomorrow night at 8 p.m.

The VPP Convention will be held in
the South Meeting Room of Newcomb
Hall. The JP Convention will be in the
Newcomb Hall Ballroom.

The elections, to be held on April 28
and 29, will fill the positions of President
and Vice President of the Student
Council. Fifteen Student Council
representatives will also be elected.

Of these positions, six are from the college,
two from the Engineering School, two from the
School of Graduate Arts and Sciences, and one
each from the Schools of Education,
Commerce, Nursing, Medicine, and Graduate
Business Administration.

Nine positions on the Judiciary Committee
will also be filled in the election. These
positions include three representatives from the
College, and one from the Commerce,
Education, Graduate Arts and Sciences, Law.
and Nursing Schools. The Medical School will
also elect a representative for a single semester

The VPP will nominate candidates for
President and Vice President of the Student
Council, six Student Council positions and
three Judiciary Committee positions.

Jeff Kirsch, president of the VPP, stressed
the need of "a change in direction of Student
Council to assume leadership and get people to
work." He said he feels that qualified people
must run for office to meet these demands and
asked that a large number of people attend the
nominating convention.

In addition, Mr. Kirsch said that one way for
students to express their interests is "by
running or joining a party to help form its
platforms, candidates, and directions."

Party officers and nominees for president,
vice-president of Council, six Student Council
representatives, and three Judiciary
representatives will be chosen by the JP.

Quinn Spitzer, President of the JP, said,
"The unbelievable number of open positions
indicates to some extent the cumbersome
bureaucracy which has characterized Student
Council for several years."

"It is the hope of the Jefferson Party," he
continued, "that we will be able to nominate
candidates who will recognize that, unlike the
Federal Government, the endless Student
Council letters and proclamations do not
translate themselves into action."

A petition of support signed by 300
students must be submitted by all candidates
running for President and Vice President of
Council. The University student body at large
elects these officers who must receive a
majority of all votes east.

Student Council candidates must submit
petitions signed by two percent of twenty-five
students from the school they are representing,
whichever number is greater.

Each candidate must have completed at least
two or more semesters in the school in
prospect. He may not be on probation, and if
after his election, he is placed on probation, his
position will be immediately vacated.

Undergraduate Judiciary Committee
candidates must have completed three
semesters of work towards a degree while
graduate candidates must have completed one.
The same regulations concerning the
nomination and qualification of Student
Council representatives also concerns Judiciary
Committee members.

An issue for referendum may be placed on
the ballot either by request of Student Council
or by petition signed by five percent of the
student body.

The filing deadline for petitions is 5 p.m.
Wednesday, April 21. Persons submitting them
after the deadline will still be eligible as write-in
candidates. Petitions for referenda are also due
by the April 21 deadline.