University of Virginia Library

Pincus Speaks
On U.S. Secrecy

A former consultant to Sen. Stuart
Symington subcommittee of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee will speak
today on "Secrecy and Foreign Policy:
Do the Congress and the Public Have the
Right to Know?"

The lecture will be presented by
Walter Pincus, president of the Morning
News Company, a corporation formed to
produce a Washington-based nationally oriented
newspaper scheduled to begin publication in

The recipient of a "Page One" award in
1960 for magazine reporting. Mr. Pincus has
worked with The New York Times. The Wall
Street Journal, the Washington Post. At the
Post his specialty was investigative reporting at
the national government and political levels.

Chief consultant to Sen. Symington's
subcommittee until last November, Mr. Pincus
played the same role in Senator William
Fulbright's 1962-63 investigation into foreign
government lobbying in the United States, an
inquiry resulting from articles written by Mr.
Pincus and Douglas Cater for "The Reporter"

Sponsored by the John B. Moore Society of
International Law, the Graduate History Club
and the Government and Foreign Affairs
Student Association, the lecture is the first of a
series focusing on the criteria for classifying
foreign policy information.

Open to the public, the lecture will be held
at 8 p.m. in Gilmer Hall.