University of Virginia Library

Bust Warning

In light of the recent concern over
possible "busts" in the University -
Charlottesville area, the Student Council
Student Rights Committee wishes to remind
students of certain points to remember
during search or arrest.


1) Request the officer to show his
warrant or explain his authority to search.

2) If the officer fails to produce a
warrant, you may keep him out of your
home; however, if he is insistent and you
cannot keep him out peacefully it is best to
allow him to conduct his search, noting that
you do so under protest. You can use this
fact in court.


1) Police are entitled to search your
person and the area immediately around

2) Be polite.

3) Don't cooperate. You need only give
your name and address. DO NOT
Anything you say can be used against you.

4) Do not deny anything. It is best to
remain silent.

In any and all circumstances, do not
volunteer any information. You have a right
to one phone call - call a lawyer or a friend
who will call a lawyer. Give them your name
and smile.

Students should remember that the
Grounds of the University including
dormitories, do not constitute a sanctuary
of any sort.