University of Virginia Library

IFC Elects King, Pitas New Officers

By Richard Jones
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

After saying that the "IFC is basically
an organization misunderstood around
the Grounds." Thomas W. King, III,
president of Pi Kappa Phi, was elected
president last night of the
Inter-Fraternity Council.

Other officers elected were John Pitas,
Vice-President; Dan Fisher, Secretary;
and Robert Bird, Treasurer. Each took
office at the meeting.

In his candidacy speech, Mr. King
expressed his concern over rush. One of
the problems Mr. King said was the "negative
attitude of first yearmen toward fraternities. "He
hopes to alleviate this problem by publishing
the IFC pamphlet in the summer and by
sending an open letter to all first yearmen and
their parents explaining different aspects of the
fraternity system.

Mr. King hoped that the fraternities would
be able to go into the dorms during orientation
week in order to "create a positive image." He
also suggested that "more houses could take
more pledges." In the final statement of the
speech, Mr. King said that "whoever is the next
IFC president has to work to get the second
yearmen and pledges involved in the IFC."

John Pitas of Sigma Nu, after being elected
vice-president by acclamation, expressed hope
that the individual fraternities could play a
larger part in the operations of the IFC since
each committee of the council has a
representative from each house on it.

Dan Fisher, newly elected secretary from
Phi Delta Theta, stated that there is a
communications problem between the houses
and the IFC: He hopes to send minutes of each
meeting to the presidents of the fraternities.

Robert Bird, the new treasurer of the IFC
and a brother of Alpha Tau Omega, said that
"I'm in the commerce school and I feel that I
have the background needed for the job."

Ted Foote, past president of the Council,
before the elections noted that the Committee
on Fraternities of the Faculty and
Administration would meet with the IFC to
discuss a change in University drug policy.


Photo By Chip Hinrichs

Thomas King III and John Pitas, Newly Elected President and Vice President