University of Virginia Library

Second Raid Thwarts Local Agents

By Bill Nachman
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Five Charlottesville residents,
including two students, were found to be
"clean" in an attempted bust last Sunday
afternoon masterminded by Carl Deavers.

Mr. Deavers, a Virginia State Police
investigator, swore out a warrant Sunday
afternoon, and within ten minutes 11
police investigators appeared at a
commune located at 1541 Virginia

The warrant was sworn out in the
names of Melinda Wilson, 23, a University
secretary, and Melanie Kugel, 21,
currently unemployed. Also named were David
Rohrer, 25, currently working on a Ph.D. in
philosophy and working part-time as a
photographer for the Daily Progress; Steve
Bliley, 21, fourth-year biology major; and
"Susan," 21, who asked that her name not be
revealed due to her present job with the

According to Miss Wilson, about 1:30 p.m.
Sunday she and a male friend were in the
kitchen talking when there was a knock at the
front door. "I opened the door," Miss Wilson
said, "and a middle-aged man in a suit
questioned me as to where the male of the
household was. I repeatedly insisted that there
was no male in charge but that we all were [in
charge]. He appeared to be confused, but
finally I turned to see if David was in and he
proceeded to walk in with several officers —
some of them in uniform.

Search Warrant

"For the next few minutes men drifted in
and out. When the older man [in the suit]
realized that David was not in he said to go into
the living room. It was then, after having been
in our house for about five minutes, that he
handed me a carbon copy of a search warrant
(sworn out by Mr. Deavers at 1:05 p.m. and
sealed by justice of the peace, J. Grayson

The warrant read in part, "[the residence]
at or near 1541 Virginia Avenue. . . .unlawfully
contains. . .controlled drugs, chemicals and
apparatus used in the manufacture of
controlled drugs." It further read, "these
[officers] are therefore, in the name of the
Commonwealth, to command you forth with in
the day or night to enter the said premises
above described and there diligently search for
the said controlled drugs, chemicals, and

Early Search

The early search found several of the
officers going upstairs. "I was in my room,"
said Miss Kugel, "and they just barged in
without even a knock on the door. I was made
to go to the living room. There we were led to
believe that we could not follow them on their
investigation of the house. A couple of them
were with the state, because I asked one of

"We keep a clean house," said Mr. Bliley,
who arrived after the police had gone. "Four of
the five residents do transcendental meditation,
which discourages the use of drugs or even the
smoking of cigarettes." Also missing at the time
of the raid was "Susan," who was out on
personal business.

"They stayed a full hour," said Miss Wilson.
"As they left the officer in charge said 'I think
we're getting warm' to the four of us."