University of Virginia Library

Opinion Needed

Legal Snags May Cancel 'Hair'

By Mike Gartlan
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

The University Union is attempting to
bring a road production of the musical
"Hair" to the University but legal
difficulties may prevent its Charlottesville

The legal difficulties have arisen
because of a clause in the New Hair
Company's contract which requires
information about local and state
obscenity laws as well as case histories of
these laws.

The contract also requires the legal
opinion of a local attorney stating that
"there will probably be no interference with
the theatre presentation of the play by local,
city or state authorities."

As of press time yesterday, the Union has
been unable to obtain such an opinion from
Leigh Middleditch Jr., Special Counsel to the

Refuses To Sign

According to John Mowinckel of the Union,
Mr. Middleditch was given a copy Friday of the
required legal opinion that was prepared by
local attorneys in Richmond for the "Hair"
company's scheduled performance there. Mr.
Mowinckel then asked Mr. Middleditch to sign
the letter, which would have fulfilled the
requirement of the contract. Mr. Middleditch
refused to sign the letter at that time and
refused also to give an opinion without further

Mr. Mowinckel then returned on Monday
and again yesterday to secure the required
opinion. Upon his return to the Counsel's office
yesterday. Mr. Mowinckel was told that
Downing Smith. Attorney for Albemarle
County, was being consulted and that there
could be no opinion given yet.

Answer Inappropriate

When asked yesterday about the delay in
obtaining the opinion Mr. Middleditch said; "I
can't answer any questions. It would be
inappropriate for me to do so at this time."

The legal opinion obtained from the
Richmond firm of Florance Gordon and Brown
states that "after reviewing the statutes and
case law that there is little probability that the
production of "Hair" in Richmond will be
interfered with by local or State authorities."

The opinion states also that "previous police
attempts in this area have been under State law
— and mostly unsuccessful."

The delay in obtaining a similar opinion
from Mr. Middleditch and the lack of "busts"
of local movie houses for showing X-rated
movies has caused continued speculation by
students at the University that the
administration may try to block the
performance of "Hair" in University Hall.