University of Virginia Library

Council Supports Student Peace Treaty

By Philip Kimball
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

The Student Council last night voted
to support a joint treaty of peace
between the people of the United States
and the people of South Vietnam and
North Vietnam. The Council also decided
to sponsor a petition to be circulated
among students tomorrow endorsing the

Ken Lewis, National Student
Association coordinator at the University,
asked Council to pass a motion endorsing
the treaty and a call for a strike
tomorrow. The final roll call vote was nine to
six in favor of supporting the treaty and
circulating a petition instead of calling for a

The treaty voted on was drawn up by a
delegation of students from the United States,
South Vietnam and North Vietnam in Hanoi
late in December of last year. The treaty,
similar to an eight-point proposal presented by
the Vietnam delegation to the Paris peace talks,
calls for immediate American withdrawal from
Vietnam, the release of all political and war
prisoners and self-determination for the people
of Vietnam.

The treaty, after being ratified at the
National Student Association convention in
Ann Arbor, Michigan this past weekend, is now
being distributed across the country for
endorsement by students, labor unions and
religious groups.

Among the nine points on the treaty is the
pledge "to end the imposition of
Thieu-Ky-Khiem on the people of South
Vietnam in order to insure their right to
self-determination and so that all political
prisoners can be released."

By ratifying the treaty the NSA pledged "to
take, whatever actions are appropriate to
implement the terms of this joint Treaty and to
insure its acceptance by the government of the
United States."

Anyone interested in helping distribute
petitions should meet at 2 p.m. in the Council