University of Virginia Library

Faculty Plans
Study Abroad

Twenty-six University faculty
members will pursue research in the
United States, Europe and the West
Indies during the coming academic year.

The 26, representing five schools in
the University, will hold the title of
Sesquicentennial Associate for the Center
for Advanced Studies for 1971-72.

Research projects among the new group of
associates range from a sociological study of the
Chinese minority in the Caribbean to a study of
the literary significance of illustrated children's
literature in the late 19th century to writing a
book on legislation to composing a chamber

Eighteen of the scholars are members of the
Arts and Sciences faculty Douglas W. Alden,
professor of French and chairman of romance
languages; Thomas W. Best, associate professor
of German; Richard J. Coughlin, professor of
sociology; Harry J. Dell, associate professor of
history, and Robert T. Denomme, professor of

Scholars Abroad

Also, Alistair Duckworth, assistant professor
of English; Charles F. Dunkl, associate
professor of mathematics; John Graham,
associate professor of speech and drama;
William H. Harbaugh, professor of history;
Walter Hauser, associate professor of history;
Eric D. Hirsch Jr., professor and chairman of
English, and R. Bruce Martin, professor and
chairman of chemistry.

Also, Robert J. Morgan, professor of
government and foreign affairs; Donald E.
Ramirez, assistant professor of mathematics;
Walter B. Ross, assistant professor of music;
Marvin S. Schindler, associate professor of
German; Anthony Winner, associate professor
of English, and Robert S. Wood, assistant
professor of government and foreign affairs.

Others Pursue Research

Frederick D. Nichols, professor of
architecture, represents the School of
Architecture, while Francis G. Lankford Jr.,
professor of education and director of the
University's Office of Institutional Analysis, is
from the School of Education.

Three members of the School of Engineering
and Applied Science faculty are
Sesquicentennial Associates: John L. Gainer,
associate professor of chemical engineering;
James W. Moore, professor of mechanical
engineering, and James G. Simmonds, associate
professor of applied mathematics.

Representing the School of Law are Carl
McFarland, John N. Moore and Calvin
Woodard, all professors.