University of Virginia Library

Family Creates Fund
For Neurosurgery Study

A research fund in honor of James A.
Baur, who recently died from injuries he
received in a one car accident during
Openings Weekend, is being established
for the study of recovery from brain

Mr. Baur's parents designated the fund to be
placed under the direction of John A. Jane,
Professor of Neurosurgery at the University

Mr. Baur, who was a student at Vanderbilt
University, died December 28 from
complications stemming from the numerous
injuries he received in the accident.

The great response by the University
community to his need of blood is greatly
appreciated by Mr. Baur's parents who wish to
thank everyone concerned in the blood
contributions. Mr. Baur, who was in the ROTC
program at Vanderbilt, received 140 pints of
blood gathered by the commander of his unit at
that university.

Although specific causes of death have not
been determined, the stress resulting from
infections throughout his body weakened his
condition to the point where recovery would
have been difficult.

It is hoped that through the fund established
by his parents more may be discovered
concerning the recovery from brain damage and
the numerous complications resulting from
such injuries.