University of Virginia Library

In Annual Fete

Tilka's Tap 19; Bananas Peel 6

The University's two ribbon
societies, Eli Banana and T.I.L.K.A.,
paraded up and down Rugby Road and
Mad Lane late Thursday night selecting
new members.

The Eli's, who are the older of the
two social honoraries (they were
founded in 1878), chose six men, all
from the College. They are: Bob Cain,
Charles E. Mooser, and William L.
Thurston, fourth-year College students,
and third-year College students Charles
L. Frazier, James W. McEwen, and
Preston Stone.

The T.I.L.K.A.'s, who were
founded in 1889, tapped 19 new
members. They are Thomas C. Adams,
fourth-year College; Michael A. Cohen,
third-year Law; Howard B. Edwards,
Jr., fourth-year Engineering; Albert H.
Ewing. III, second-year Graduate
Business; William B. Fryer. fourth-year
College; and Gordon L. Garrett, Jr.,
fourth-year College.

Also, John S. Hopewell,
second-year Graduate College; Jim J.
Hopper, fourth-year College;
Ferdinand S. Johns, fourth-year
Architecture; Edward J. Kihm,
fourth-year Education; Barry J.
Leader, fourth-year College; Joseph W.
May, fourth-year Medicine; Jay M.
McDonald, second-year Graduate
Business; and Richard A. McKittrick,
third-year Law.

Also, Edward H. Northrop,
second-year Graduate Business; John
II. Pettey, fourth-year Commerce;
John B. Pinder, III, fourth-year College;
Thomas L. Sansonetti, fourth-year
College; and Michael B. Waitzkin,
fourth-year College.

Tonight the IMP Society will tap
new members during the parties held at
the fraternities. The "Hotfeet" can be
distinguished by their colorful devil
caps and pitchforks.

No one knows when or if the Z's
will take new members. They re so
damned secretive that no one knows if
they still exist. They haven't been
heard from for a good many years