University of Virginia Library

Research Grants Open
For Undergraduates

By Mike Gartlan
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Research grants for undergraduate
students are now being offered to
encourage independent study programs at
the University.

The announcement of these grants was
made by Jac K. Sperling of the Student
Council Academic Affairs Committee.

According to Mr. Sperling, these
grants are being offered to encourage the
use of motivated undergraduates in
handling the great burden of research now
encumbering graduate students.

Mr. Sperling also said that the programs
were being offered to students to improve the
"quality of their educations and to aid them
financially in their educational venture."

The first such program of undergraduate
research is being sponsored by the National
Science Foundation, and was planned by Mason
Willrich, the director of the Center for the
Study of Science, Technology, and Public
Policy here at the University.

Mr. Willrich's program is entitled "Student
Originated Studies." The outline of the
program specifies that each project undertaken
will deal with problems related to the
environment — either physical, biological
and/or social.

Each proposed project is to be conducted by
a group of students no larger than 15 and no
smaller than 5, and they will originate, plan and
direct their own programs. The students must,
however approach their problems through
interdisciplinary methods.

The University will serve only to disperse
the granted funds and will not administer the
projects in any way.

This project is to run from ten to 12 weeks
and is to occupy the full-time efforts of those
involved. It is expected that most of the
projects will be done during the summer but
arrangements can be made for independent
study during the academic year.

The deadline for this program is November
30. All interested students are urged to contact
the Student Council Offices immediately at