University of Virginia Library

Council Names Group
To Nominate Provost

By Bryan DeLaney
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Stimulated by the creation of the
University's committee for the
nomination of a new Provost to replace
Frank Hereford, the Student Council
acted Tuesday night to form a temporary
Provost nominating committee.

This committee, which will include
non-Council as well as Council members,
will "seek out recommendations for
nominees to fill the office of
Vice-President and Provost of the
University and shall present its
recommendations, with the Council's
approval, to the University Committee."

The Council expressed hope that the
committee would be able to cooperate
with the University's committee and will
serve as the basic mechanism for student
participation in the selection of the new

Action was also taken concerning
problems which have arisen for some
students during the summer sessions. The
University's policy at present maintains that if a
student withdraws later than five days after
registration for the summer session he will get
absolutely no refund of either his tuition or
registration fee.

A motion was unanimously approved by the
Council to recommend that this policy be
changed so that students would be able to get a
partial refund on a prorated basis minus the
registration fee if they withdrew during the first
half of the session. After this time, no refund
would be given.

The purpose of this motion would be to
bring the policy concerning summer sessions
more in line with those of the fall and spring.

By moving its regular meeting to Webb
Lounge this week, the Council had hoped to
bring itself a little closer to the student body
and allow for more student participation. This
goal was at least partially achieved although
only some 25 students attended the meeting.


First year engineering student Dick Rubino
expressed his displeasure with the Corner
bookstore situation, citing his own experience
of having to purchase $125 worth of books,
and he requested that the Council undertake an
investigation of the present situation.

Council member Scott Parker replied that
while most believe that "Billy Williams is raping
the students," no one could really be certain.
He also stated that Council members were
looking into the problem and also into the
possibility of creating a student cooperative
bookstore on the Grounds.

In response to complaints raised by another
first-year student, Claudia Lacy, the Council
announced that it would do what it could to
improve the University mail system and
specifically to increase deliveries to twice daily.

Well Received

Reporting on the Board of Visitors' meeting
over the past weekend, Kevin Mannix
commented that the Council's proposals
seemed well received although the Board has
not officially replied yet to the suggestion that
students be appointed to seats on the Board. He
also stated that three board appointments
would be coming up soon, as seats are vacated
by present members.

Two issues of possible significance, although
tabled until the next meeting, were discussed at
some length Tuesday night. The first of these
concerned the barring of Tom Doran from the
University grounds and his being denied
admission to the summer session.

The discussion centered primarily around
the University's power to take such actions as
well as the manner in which the Doran case was
handled. Because all of the facts surrounding
the Doran case were not yet available, no action
was taken.