University of Virginia Library

Bail Delay
Keeps Doran
In Local Jail

Former University student Tom Doran
will remain in jail until a Richmond
bail-bondsman can be certified by the
Charlottesville City Court, The Cavalier
Daily learned yesterday.

Mr. Doran has been charged with perjury,
and he is currently being held on $5,000 bail or
$10,000 property bond awaiting his trial. The
trial has been set for December 10 in the
Municipal Corporation Court.

The perjury charge stems from Mr. Doran's
testimony delivered this summer at a hearing
prior to his trial on charge of destroying
University property.

Mr. Doran was convicted of destruction of
property, and also of cursing at University
Police Chief Rea Houchens.

Two witnesses testified at the hearing that
Mr. Doran was in the area of the ROTC
building, where the property damage occurred,
and Mr. Doran denied that he had committed
those acts. He was later charged with perjury as
a result of this conflict.

According to Reverend Howard Gordon of
the Westminster Church, a detainer of $37.50
has been added to the bail. The detainer is
evidently an unpaid debt that will have to be
met before he will be released.

According to reliable sources, Mr. Doran was
denied re-admission to the University for
summer school after he had taken a leave of
absence. Several students have charged that this
refusal was as a result of his political activities
during last spring's strike, as he had not been
convicted at the time of his application.

Officials at the Summer School Admissions
Office could not be reached for comment.