University of Virginia Library

Virginia Strike Committee
Urges University Shutdown

In coordination with the National
Student Association the Virginia Strike
Committee has called for a shutdown of
the University to protest, among other
things, President Nixon's Cambodian

The Strike Committee calls for a
University-wide strike on Wednesday and
Thursday in order to "publicly express
our protest on these issues (Cambodia,
Vietnam, John Mitchell, Spiro Agnew,
repression of Black Panthers and political
dissent); support U.S. Senate action
against the war; analyze causes of
domestic and international exploitation;
and plan and take local and national
action on the Indochina war, militarism,
repression, ROTC, and University

Besides urging a University-wide
strike, the committee also urges students to
support the Freedom Day activities.

Members of the Strike Committee include
Jim Roebuck, Reynold Levy, Judy Wellan,
Arthur Ogle, Bruce Wine, Al Long, Tom
Gardner, and Robert Cullen.

Yesterday, the National Student Association
(NSA) called for a nation-wide university
shutdown. In Washington the president of the
SA, Charles Palmer, said that 90 university
student body presidents had signed a statement
calling for the impeachment of President Nixon
for what he called "the unconstitutional
expansion of the war in Asia."

He stated, "What is planned is not a strike
against the university, but a strike by the
university against the President's position in
South Fast Asia."

The NSA, which has more than 500 member
colleges and universities, issued i demands
yesterday. These demands included immediate
U.S. troop withdrawal from Cambodia, the
mobilization of public support for anti-war
candidates this fall, reallocating American
resources to domestic problems, an end of
political repression of the Black Panthers, and
the building of support for a massive
demonstration in Washington on May 9 to
express the NSA's position.

The National Strike Information Center at
Brandeis University reported that 60 colleges
and universities were mobilizing to take part in
the national student strike.