University of Virginia Library

Fund Started To Pay
Costs Of Wine Drinking

The first donation to a fund to help pay
fines and court costs of students convicted
of drinking in public, and possibly to help
Kent Beyer appeal his conviction on
constitutional grounds, was received by The

Cavalier Daily.

Preston T. Syme, Jr. of Free Union sent
the following letter to The Cavalier Daily,
accompanied by a donation of five dollars.

Dear Sir:

In response to the story in the
April 15 Cavalier Daily about Kent
Beyer being busted for drinking something
in public may I suggest that The
Cavalier Daily or some other student
group likely to hear of such cases
establish a fund to help these "criminals"
pay their fines and court costs.

The fund could be maintained by
voluntary contributions from the University
community and used to aid
those students who, despite the rules
of evidence, common sense and the
Constitution, are convicted by such
brilliant dispensers of justice as Judge

Both Mr. Beyer and his attorney John
Lowe have said that they would like to
appeal the case if finances are available, even
if it means taking it to the Supreme Court
on constitutional grounds.

Persons interested in making donations
may do so at the offices of The Cavalier