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Council Forms Concert Committee
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To Avoid Conflicts

Council Forms Concert Committee

By Bryan DeLaney
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Gone are the days when students will
have the chance to choose between two
major concerts occurring at the same time.
This, at least, is the aim of the new
Concert Coordinating Committee, recently
created by the Student Council.

Two years ago the Public Events
Advisory Committee was formed under
the chairmanship of Paul Saunier, Jr. This
group serves in place of the Committee
on Calendar and Scheduling between the
latter's regular meetings. The student
body was represented on the Public
Events Committee by the vice-president
of the Student Council.

Members of this committee and
Student Council felt that more student
representation would be beneficial in
scheduling events held in University
facilities, especially in cases where conflicts
arose with two events occurring simultaneously.

From all this arose the Concert Coordinating
Committee which is headed by Councilman
James Morris of the School of Architecture.
The student committee will serve primarily as
an advisory group to those students or
organizations attempting to schedule a dance or
concert type function and to the University's
Committee on Calendar and Scheduling.

As in the past, the latter committee will still
be responsible for the actual letting of
University facilities. If it appears to this
committee that an event would conflict with
one already scheduled, the University's committee
would refer to the Concert Coordinating
Committee for recommendations with regard to
the conflict.

The new committee will maintain a
complete schedule of all events which could be
considered either dances or concerts for which
space has already been reserved. In addition,
copies of all new applications for facilities
would be forwarded to the committee immediately
by the Committee on Calendar and

Persons or groups wishing to reserve space
would be advised to consult the Coordinating
Committee so that conflicts could be avoided.

In the event that two groups have scheduled
their events at the same time, either group may
still appeal to the Calendar and Scheduling
Committee in order to have their interests
protected. Appropriate action would then be
taken on the basis of the Coordinating
Committee's recommendations.

Such action could include refusing a group
space for their event. In this case the
Coordinating Committee would assist that
group in moving its event to a better time.

According to Council Vice-President Kevin
Mannix, the recommendations of the Concert
Coordinating Committee would be based
primarily on how each event would affect the
student body, whether or not there actually
was a conflict, and most importantly, upon
who was first to reserve space.

The Concert Coordinating Committee is not
actually a Student Council committee although
it is sponsored and supported by the Council.
The committee includes Council members John
K. Lewis and Mr. Morris and non-Council
members George Wilson, Michael Flock, and
Kevin Kelley.