University of Virginia Library


The following are events sponsored
by the Vietnam Moratorium Committee
and other groups for Vietnam
Moratorium Day:

Tuesday: 7, 9, and 11 p.m.: Films on
Vietnam - The Prism - Admission S.

7:30 p.m. Candlelight March - Starting
at St. Thomas Church and going
through the University.

Dorm Discussions

7 p.m. McKim Hall - Steve Squire

8 p.m. Bonnycastle Lounge - David
Bromley, Ken Lewis. Echols Lounge -
Alexander Sedgewick, James Cargile
Tuttle Lounge - Tobert Morgan,
Chuck Wheeler.

9 p.m. Mary Munford - Steve Squire
10 p.m. Debate-Discussion Webb
House Lounge

Wednesday: 8:50, 9:50, 10:50 and
2:50: Services of Concern and Intercession
- University Chapel

9-12, 3-10 Open Forum/Teach-In -
South Meeting Room, Newcomb Hall

10 a.m. Seminar, "Revolution and
Counter-Revolution: the Role of the
Sociologist and Anthropologist," informal
Lounge, Newcomb Hall

10-12 noon Colloquium, "Current
Aspects of the Vietnam War," Mural
Hall, Law School

12 noon Rotunda Rally Street side,
The Rotunda

7:30 p.m. Vietnam Debate: Tom
Gardner and John Kwapsiz The

9 p.m. Concert of Protest and Peace -
Cabell Hall Auditorium

10 p.m. Interdenominational candlelight
service - The Lawn

8:15 p.m. Discussion of the Vietnam
War: Prof. Inis Claude, John Kwapisz,
Tom Gardner and David Longfellow -
The Prism.