University of Virginia Library

President Allows Grads
To Finish Academic Year

The Nixon administration has granted a
year-long reprieve to draftable graduate
students faced with possible induction at the
end of the fall semester.

About 10,000 draft-age graduate students
will be affected by the policy change,
presidential press secretary Ron Ziegler said. He
stated flatly the new policy will be followed,
although the change came in the form of a
recommendation rather than a decree, the
Associated Press reported.

Following a recommendation of the National
Security Council, the White House has told
the Selective Service System to keep hands off
graduate students until the end of the academic

The National Security Council said, in its
recommendation, that for graduate students
"interruption at the end of a term, other than
the final term of the academic year, is costly to
the student in terms of expenses and academic
progress and therefore contrary to the national