University of Virginia Library

Political Societies
Discuss Merger

Skull and Keys and Sceptre Society, the
College's two "traditional" political organizations
that have recently been attacked for their
structural deficiencies, will hold a meeting
today at 3 p.m. in room 4C of Newcomb Hall
to establish a study committee for possible

The meeting and committee, which will be
chaired by Rod MacDonald, vice-president of
Skull and Keys, will be open to all members of
the University who wish to participate in the
study group.

Both political societies were heavily criticized
last year for being fraternity-dominated
and archaic, according to embers of the rival
Virginia Progressive Par
particularly members of
selves, said they felt the two organizations
overlapped to a large extent and should be
consolidated, especially after losing two consecutive
Council elections.

The two societies may become merged as a
result of the study group, according to officers
of the present groups. The study group may
draw up a constitution for a new political party
that it will submit to the society officers, one
officer added.

Skull and Keys and Sceptre will hold their
annual fall meetings in October, and either
dissolve in favor of the new group recommended
by the study or elect new officers for
the coming year under their new structure, Mr.
MacDonald said.

Mr. MacDonald urged all students, whether
fraternity men or independents, to attend the
meeting today if they would like to help reform
the existing political structure of the two
societies and the College.