University of Virginia Library

Commerce, E-School
Hold Elections Today

Elections will be held today and
tomorrow in the Schools of Commerce
and Engineering and a forum
of the 15 Student Council candidates
from the College will take
place tonight.

Voting in the E-School will run
from 8 a.m until 5 p.m. both days
as the electorate will choose two
Student Council representatives and
one Judiciary Committee member.

Candidates for Student Council
are Gene Lockhart, Don Lovett,
Nicolas Tulou and Dan Walker.
Barry Graham and Ken Jones are
fighting for the Judiciary seat.

Commerce will choose one
member to sit on each of the
bodies. Henry Doggrell will seek
re-election in his race for the
Council seat with Mike Sorensen.
Henry Dudley, Al Ferrare, Jim
Francis and Dennis Pushkin are the
Judiciary candidates.

Tonight's forum of the College
Council candidates will be held at 8
in Gilmer Hall Auditorium. Representatives
of the various University
news media will ask the candidates
questions on the campaign issues.
Questions from the audience can be
forwarded to the Council aspirants
through Councilman Kevin Mannix,
who will serve as moderator for the
forum. All students are strongly
encouraged to attend the meeting.
WTU is planning to tape the
discussion for broadcast at a later